Bailiff William Knight Guilty in Murder of John Studstill

Conclusion of 1912 murder trial still leaves family connections of John Studstill in doubt.


Nashville, Ga. March 29–(Special.) Bailiff  William Knight, who was convicted in superior court of having killed John Studstill, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary by Judge Thomas.

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Who was John Studstill?


Fugitive John Studstill’s Death Ruled Murder

In the continuing saga over the death of  fugitive from justice John Studstill,  his killer is charged with murder.

The Atlanta Constitution, 20 Mar 1913, Pg 7


   Nashville, Ga., March 19 –(Special.) Bailiff William Knight, who shot John Studstill to death, was indicted yesterday for first degree murder and is now in jail. Studstill was trying to escape when shot by Knight, who had a warrant for Studstill’s arrest.
   The shooting was widely discussed.   
   Knight will probably be tried next week.

More on the 1912 Death of John Studstill

Following up from yesterday’s post, the family relations of John Studstill remain elusive, but the circumstances of his death caused at stir that made the state news.

The Atlanta Constitution, 6 Dec 1912

   Nashville, Ga., December 5. –(Special.) — William Knight, the bailiff who shot and killed John Studstill, at a perliminary hearing, was bound over to the superior court for voluntary manslaughter.
   Lester Knight, charged with being accessory to the crime, was acquitted.

Who was John Studstill?

This blog has previously posted on a number of the Studstill family connection.

A recently reviewed article in the 3 Dec 1912 Atlanta Constitution recounts the death of one John Studstill.  But who was this man? who were his relatives? Perhaps a reader can tell…


Nashville, Ga., December 2 –(Special.) — John Studstill was shot and killed at Robinson’s mill, 7 miles south of this city, by Bailiff  William Knight. Studstill was charged with jumping a board bill, and when Knight attempted to arrest him he (Studstill) fled. Knight chased him for some distance and, after calling for Studstill to halt, fired.  Knight claims that he shot to frighten the fleeing man, but not to harm him. The dead man was brought here in Sheriff Avera’s auto. Knight is at liberty here.

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Mrs. Thomas Studstill ~ Obituary, 1909

Mary Elizabeth “Effie” Green, wife of Thomas J. Studstill, died July 26, 1909 at the age of 29. She was buried at Union Church Cemetery along the Alapaha River near Milltown (now Lakeland), GA.

Grave of Mary E. Green, wife of Thomas J. Studstill. Image source: Tanya Studstill Cherry

Grave of Mary Elizabeth “Effie” Green, wife of Thomas J. Studstill. Image source: Tanya Studstill Cherry

Atlanta Georgian and News, Jul. 31, 1909 — page 16
Mrs. Thomas Studstill.
Milltown, Ga., July 31. — The body of Mrs. Thomas Studstill, who died at her home at Rays Mill Thursday night, after an illness of several days, was brought to this place and interred at Alapaha cemetery. She is survived by several brothers and sisters and a husband and three children.

Born June 3, 1880 she was a daughter of Marshal E. Green and Mary Elizabeth “Maxie” Mathis. Her father was a Confederate veteran, having served in Company E, 54th Georgia Infantry Regiment.

Her brother, Riley M. Green, owned real estate in Ray City, GA and was involved in the incorporation of the Bank of Ray’s Mill.  Mary Elizabeth “Effie” Green, married Thomas J. Studstill in 1900, and Riley took a position as manager at the Studstill sawmill. Her sister, Rhoda Green, died in 1912.

She was the mother of Thomas Julian “Boots” Studstill.

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