Texas Ray Goodman Entertains in Nashville, GA

Elizabeth Texas Ray was known all her life as “Texas.” She was born in Rays Mill, GA, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Ray.

On January 28, 1891 Texas Ray married Dr. William B. Goodman, of Nashville. The Goodman household was located on Jefferson Street, Nashville, GA.  In the Census of 1900, it was the very first Nashville household enumerated.

After her marriage, Texas Ray Goodman maintained her many friends and family connections in Ray’s Mill.  In the summer of 1899, the Tifton Gazette observed:

Tifton Gazette
Friday, July 28, 1899
Newsy Notes from Nashville

Several young ladies are visiting town. At Dr. Goodman’s, Misses Leila Knight, of Ray’s Mill, and Susie Dasher, of Sims; at Dr. Askew’s Misses Dora and Susan Williams, of Ty Ty, and Miss Monk of Worth County.

An entertainment was given by Mrs. Texas Goodman Tuesday evening last in honor of the visiting young ladies …

Later, after the death of her husband in 1912, Texas Goodman moved back to Ray City (formerly Rays Mill), GA where she lived with her adopted son, William F. Goodman, and her aged and widowed mother, Mary A. Ray.

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